Are You Ready to Conduct a Leadership Gut Check Q1?
The first three months of 2018 are behind us. If you’re like most leaders I work with, you and your teams have been heads-down, focused on executing on your many priorities.
In my experience, when you are working in a fast-paced environment, you can become consumed by your work. You can also lose perspective on exactly what it is you should be doing in your leadership role.
That’s why I believe it’s important to regularly take time to pause and reflect on your leadership role.
In my new book, The Leadership Contract Field Guide, I introduce several ways for you to think about your leadership role.
I advocate for a quarterly gut check review. Here are some questions for you to consider:
- Did you live up to the duties and responsibilities of an accountable leader?
- What were some of the critical leadership decisions you made?
- What value did you bring to your organization and your team as a leader?
- What difficult leadership challenges did you face?
- Did you help the leaders in your organization communicate more regularly and effectively?
- Looking ahead to the next quarter, how will you continue to put the four terms of The Leadership Contract into action?
That’s it. This should take you ten to fifteen minutes to complete. If helpful, I’ve created a free resource that you can download to complete your review.
You may also find it valuable to review your responses with a coach, mentor or trusted colleague.
By taking time out of our frenetic daily lives to pause and reflect on our leadership, it helps each of us become more deliberate and intentional.
This week’s blog asks: Are you ready to conduct a leadership gut check Q1?
Here are a few other things I’d like to bring to your attention:
- My two new books, The Leadership Contract (3rd edition) and The Leadership Contract Field Guide are now available.
- I’m conducting a survey to understand what drives people crazy about working for mediocre leaders. I would appreciate you taking a few minutes to provide your perspectives.